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battery: Would you please charge the battery? akumulator: Molim Vas, da mi napunite akumulator
accept: Sorry, we don't accept credit cards. primati: Žao nam je, ne primamo kreditne kartice. accept: Will you accept traveler's checks? primati: Da li primate putničke čekove? access: Access denied pristup: Pristup odbijen access: Can I access the Internet here? pristupiti: Mogu li ovde da pristupim Internetu access: Where can I access the Internet? Pristupiti: Gde mogu da pristupim Internetu? account: You have no money on your account. Račun: Nemate novca na računu account: I'd like to open an account. Račun: Želim da otvorim račun
boy, pop! I wish I could see those terrific wrestling matches! Me too, Arch, but it's a sell out! It's impossible to get a ticket! Yes! It's a big grudge fight between the Masked Mangler and Rotten Roddy! Would you believe I was the wrestling champ of my high school? I was known as a Tiger Tate! Sure pop Tate delivers! Okay! One rush order of hamburgers coming over! I'll deliver it, pop! I personally want to deliver this order myself...It's to the wrestling arena...Please watch the store!