Edukativne stranice
Engleski u Praksi
Engleski idiomi
Kontrolni test
Kontrolni test - Elementary
Engleski za decu
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Robinson Kruso
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Zabavno korisno!
Vežbanje engleskog izgovora zvucnik logo

Provereni brauzeri!

Tested in Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera
logo Engleski izgovor za totalne početnike   - ovde!
Ucionice škole Manhattan!


Internet Explorer   -   Firefox - Google Chrome

Audio Flash - Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome

Audio "Flash" 1.1 MB KANADA

Audio "Flash" 1.3 MB Intervju Ken Folit

zabavite se kroz engleski izgovor
logotip skole menhetn

akcelerator - akcelerator


battery: Would you please charge the battery? akumulator: Molim Vas, da mi napunite akumulator

accept: Sorry, we don't accept credit cards.
primati: Žao nam je, ne primamo kreditne kartice.

accept: Will you accept traveler's checks?
primati: Da li primate putničke čekove?

access: Access denied
pristup: Pristup odbijen

access: Can I access the Internet here?
pristupiti: Mogu li ovde da pristupim Internetu

access: Where can I access the Internet?
Pristupiti: Gde mogu da pristupim Internetu?

account: You have no money on your account.
Račun: Nemate novca na računu

account: I'd like to open an account.
Račun: Želim da otvorim račun

Slušajte izgovor

Slušajte izgovor

(boy - prijateljsko neformalno obraćanje starijoj osobi)

boy, pop! I wish I could see those terrific wrestling matches!

Me too, Arch, but it's a sell out! It's impossible to get a ticket!

Yes! It's a big grudge fight between the Masked Mangler and Rotten Roddy!

Would you believe I was the wrestling champ of my high school? I was known as a Tiger Tate!

Sure pop Tate delivers! Okay! One rush order of hamburgers coming over!

I'll deliver it, pop!

I personally want to deliver this order myself...It's to the wrestling arena...Please watch the store!

Osnovni engleski izgovor!
Korisne fraze i idiomi engleskog jezika sa izgovorom


Pređite mišem preko da čujete izgovor!

Where Have YOU Been ?

Where were YOU ?

I will keep the motor running!

admission:   How much is admission?

admittance:   No admittance!

There he comes!

The drink is on me!

Gde ste bili ?

Gde ste bili ?

Ostaviću motor upaljen!

Ulaz: Koliko košta ulaz ?

Ulaz: Zabranjen ulaz.

Eno ga, dolazi!

Ja plaćam piće!

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