Mala gramatika za početnike
Glagolska vremena
English has Present, Past, and Future tenses of verbs. However, each tense contains up to four forms. It is very important to know which of the forms to use and what this usage means in speech or in writing. An English verb usually has two characteristics:
Engleski jezik ima sadašnje, prošlo i buduće glagolsko vreme. Međutim svako vreme ima do četiri oblika. Veoma je važno znati koja se forma koristi i njeno značenje u govoru i pisanju. Engleski glagol ima dve najvažnije karakteristike.
1) vreme - Present, Past, or the Future tense;
2) aspect - it is Indefinite, Perfect, or Continuous.
The Present Indefinite Tense
Sadašnje neodređeno vreme opisuje uopštenu radnju ili stalnu aktivnost koja nema određena vremenska ograničenja.
Example - Primeri:
He wears glasses. - On nosi naočare.
What do you study at school? - Šta učiš u školi?
Sometimes we meet and go to the movies.
Ponekad se sretnemo i idemo u bioskop.
The Present Continuous Tense
Sadašnje trajno vreme opisuje aktivnost koja se dešava u sadašnjem trenutku.
To write: He is writing a letter now.
Pisati: On piše pismo sada.
To wait: I am waiting for a bus.
Čekati: Ja čekam autobus.
To read: We are reading the book together.
Čitati: Mi čitamo knjigu zajedno .
To play: Children are playing baseball in the park.
Igrati se: Deca igraju bezbol u parku.
The Present Indefinite vs. Present Continuous
Sadašnje neodređeno vreme i sadašnje trajno - kada ih koristimo!
When do we use them ?
Present Indefinite - Sadašnje neodređeno
"What do you do ?" = What is your job?
Present Continous
"What are you doing ?" = What are you actually doing right now?
Student: What do you do?
Teacher: I'm a teacher. Present Indefinite
Student: What are you doing?
Teacher: I'm teaching. Present Continous
General questions
A general question requires the answer yes or no. In English such a question is formed by placing an auxiliary or modal verb (exceptions see below) at the beginning of a sentence: Have you ever been to London? Was he reading when you came? Can you help me? Shouldn't I do it?.
A polite answer to a general question typically includes the auxiliary verb that was used to form the question:
Have you been to London ? - Yes, I have.
Was he reading when you came ? - No, he wasn't.
Does he know you ? - Yes, he does.
Did I mention it ? - No, you didn't.
A negative question requires 'no' to be confirmed, and 'yes' to be denied:
Don't you see it? - No, I don't. (not allowed: Yes, I don't)
Don't you see it ? - Yes, I do (not allowed: No, I do).
Specific questions
The answer to a specific question is a concrete piece of information. A specific question always contains a question word, which is placed in the first position before an auxiliary verb. The subject comes after an auxiliary verb but before the main verb.
What is your name ? - My name is Alex.
Where do you live ? - I live in London.
Question words are interrogative pronouns and adverbs: what; where; when; why; which; who; whose; how; how many; how much (for uncountable objects); how long, etc.
When do you usually come home ? What is he doing ? How can I help you ? Why did they behave like this ? How many bottles of wine are you going to buy for the party ? How will we find a road to the town ?
The full-meaning verbs to do and to have, as well as modal to have to and need require the auxiliary to do:
What do you do professionally? What do you have there? How much time do I need? Why did he have to do it?
If any of the question words who, what, which refers to the subject of the main sentence, the auxiliary verb to do in the question is omitted. The main verb, in this case, has the same form as in the initial sentence.
The little boy goes to school... Who goes to school ?
This news made me happy...What made me happy?
The third shelf contains science fiction books... Which shelf contains science fiction books ?
Be careful to avoid mistakes like: Who does go to school ?
Desno je Flash-Tube da čujete izgovor! |
Ja sam | | Mi smo | |
Ti si | | Vi ste | |
On je | | Oni su | |
Ona je | | One su | |
Ono je , To je | | Oni su | |
bio sam | | bili smo | |
bio si, bila si | | bili ste | |
bio je | | bili su | |
bila je | | bile su | |
bilo je | | bili su | |
vrši upis
na kurseve
Engleski jezik
Nemački jezik
Grčki jezik
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Mala gramatika za početnike
Učite engleski po najnovijim programima univerziteta u Kembridžu
Nouns - Imenice
Imenice imaju dva oblika, padeža. Genitiv, prisvojni padež dobija se dodavanjem nastavka 's na osnovni oblik imenice
rose - ruža
rose's smell - ružin miris
friend - prijatelj
friend's book - prijateljeva knjiga
my friend - moj prijatelj
my friend's book - moga prijatelja knjiga
Treba razlikovati prisvojni oblik imenice od imenice modifajera
U engleskom jeziku imenice mogu predstavljati subjek, objekt ili modifajer.
Imenica kao modifajer ne menja oblik.
state - država
state border - državna granica
iron - gvožđe
iron will - gvozdena volja
brick - cigla
brick wall - cigleni zid
Množina imenica dobija se dodavanjem nastavka s ili es na osnovni oblik.
cat - mačka
cats - mačke
book - knjiga
books - knjige
day - dan
days - dani
hors - konj
horses - konji
box - kutija
boxes - kutije
promena u spelovanju fe > ve, konsonant+y > ies
knife - nož
knives - noževi
city - grad
cities - gradovi
Nepravilna množina
man - čovek
men - ljudi
woman - žena
women - žene
child - dete
children - deca
mouse - miš
mice - miševi
Isti oblik za jedninu i množinu
craft - zanat
craft - zanati
Imenice koje imaju samo oblik množine su uglavnom predmeti simetričnog oblika
trousers - pantalone
scissors - makaze
spectacles - naočare
Remember it !
Questions :
Who? People
What? Things
Where? Places
Present Continuous
Present continuous form = am / is / are + verb + ing (something is happening NOW)
You can use the short forms.
Learn it
Asking Questions about what's happening now
Read this
What am I doing? What is he/she/it doing? What are we/you/they doing?
Am/Is/Are doing
What am I doing? "I'm standing. I'm not sitting."
What is he doing? "He's sitting. He's not (He isn't) standing."
What is she doing? "She's walking. She's not (She isn't) running."
What is it doing? "It's running. It's not (It isn't) walking."
What are they doing? "They're playing. They're not (They aren't) working."
The auxiliary and modal verbs
Auxiliary verbs Pomoćni glagoli
The verb to be