Edukativne stranice

Početni engleski jezik


Engleski za početnike škola Menhetn - Užice

Kako početi?

Učenje jezika na početku može izgledati teško, ali kasnije postaje zabavno i vi sve više napredujete. Zato, nemojte se obeshrabriti...Podsetite se na ovih nekoliko zabeleški i sve će ići glatko:

  • Ne budite stidljivi ! Ne ustručavajte se da pitate one koji više znaju.
  • Budite otvoreni prema kritici. Ako ste pogrešili, shvatite to kao sticanje iskustva.
  • Vežbajte, vežbajte, vežbajte ! Praksa je ključ za učenje bilo kog jezika.


I - we - you - they do have work read like eat drink
He - she - it does has works reads likes eats drinks
I - we - you - they do not have not do not work do not read do not like do not eat do not drink
He - she - it does not has not does not work does not read does not like does not eat does not drink
Singular Table Sea wish potato
Plural Tables Seas wishes potatoes
Singular Man Woman Foot Mouse Child
Plural Men Women Feet Mice Children
Only a plural
trousers jeans scissors glasses trunks
Singular I You He/She/It
Plural We They
Objective case me / us youhim / her / itthem
Upitni oblik
Do I - we - you - they have ? do ? like ? want ?
Does He - she - it have ? do ? like ? want ?

Engleska gramatika

Kratak pregled engleske gramatike


In English, imperative sentences are formed simply by inversion of the verb's position. The main verb form is used.


Open the door, please.
Go to the grocery store.
Please read this article.
Give me some butter, please.

In the first person plural the form let's + verb is used. It is formed from the verb 'let' and a shortened form of the pronoun 'us'.


Let's go to the movies.
Let's finish this work before noon.
The negative form of the Imperative requires use of the auxiliary verb 'to do' with the particle 'not':

Do not come here any more.

The contraction 'don't' is more common:
Don't even think about it.

Note that the auxiliary verb must be used with all verbs, including 'to be' and 'to do':
Don't be ridiculous.
Don't do this.
The first person plural is the only.


Let's not return here anymore.

General negations

General negations in English are constructed with the help of the negative form of the predicate. In modern English the negative particle 'not' can only be used with auxiliary and modal verbs.


Dinner is ready. Dinner is not ready.
She can do it. She cannot do it ('can' is always written together with 'not').
You should go to the office and fill out the application. You should not go to the office and fill out the application.
They had arrived before the show ended. They had not arrived before the show ended.
I have been at this train station already. I have not been at this train station yet.

Simple present and past tenses must include the negative form of the verb 'to do' for negation.


He runs fast. He does not run fast.
I liked the movie. I did not like the movie.

As in questions an auxiliary verb takes over the indication of grammatical categories, leaving the main verb in its dictionary form.


Of all auxiliary and modal verbs only 'need' and 'to have to' require use of the auxiliary 'to do' to form negative sentences:

I don't need to be there. You didn't have to come.

When used independently, 'to do' and 'to have' require use of the auxiliary 'to do' like all other full-meaning verbs:

Mary didn't do it. I don't have any money on me.

It is common to use a contracted form of the negative particle in everyday language. It is written together with the verb: don't, didn't, haven't, hadn't, aren't, weren't, isn't, wasn't, couldn't, mustn't, shouldn't, wouldn't. Note stem changes in can't, won't (will + not).

Negative words

In addition to using the particle 'not', negative sentences may be formed with the help of negative words: no; never; nowhere; nothing; nobody; no one; none; neither; neither...nor. Every negative pronoun, adverb, or conjunction has its indefinite counterpart: any, ever, anywhere, anything, anybody; anyone, one, either, either...or. The main rule here is that only one negative word, counting the particle 'not', is allowed in a sentence; other potential negative words must be used in the indefinite form.


I have no idea.
He doesn't have any money.
They never say anything to anyone.
You will tell him nothing!
Nobody goes anywhere.
She is nowhere to be found. I see neither him nor her.

Osnovne fraze i izrazi

Welcome to our Website - Dobro došli na naš sajt !


May I introduce myself ? Dozvolite da vam se predstavim.
Let me introduce myself to you. My name is M. N. Dopustite mi da se predstavim. Moje ime je M. N.
Would you kindly introduce me to this gentleman. Budite ljubazni da me predstavite gospodinu.
Allow me to introduce you to Miss A.? Dopustite mi da vas predstavim gospođici A.
Are you Miss A. ? Jeste li vi gospođica A.?
Yes, I am. Da, ja sam.
Oh! It's you. I'm so glad to meet you (or: make your acquaintance), my brother has told me so much about you. Ah! to ste vi. Veoma mi je milo da se upoznam sa vama (ili: što sam se sa vama upoznao), moj brat mi je mnogo o vama govorio.
Let me introduce Mr. B. to you. Dopustite mi da vam predstavim gospodina B.
Are you Mr. B. ? Vi ste gospodin B. ?
Yes, that is my name. Da, tako se zovem.
Whom have I the pleasure of addressing ? Sa kime imam čast da govorim ?
Whom have I the honour of speaking to?Sa kime imam čast da govorim


Would you come to see us this evening?Hoćete li doći večeras kod nas?
Do come and see me.Posetite me ipak jednom.
Let's make a date.Utvrdićemo dan.
Let's fix a meeting some day next week. Hajde da utvrdimo sastanak jednoga dana sledeće nedelje.
Why don't drop in?Zašto ne svratite?
Will you do me the favour? Hoćete li mi učniti zadovoljstvo (da me posetite)?
Sorry to have to decline the invitation, I have a previous engagement.Žao mi je sto moram da odbijem poziv, jer imam jednu raniju obavezu.
I shall be very glad if you'll look in for a chat some evening. Biće mi veoma milo ako dođete malo na razgovor neke večeri.
Drop in any time you please (like). Svratite kod nas kad vam se ɵini da je zgodno.
Call on us any time you feel like it. Dođite kod nas kad vam je zgodno,
When are you at home? Kada ste kod kuće?
Do come over to us sometimes. Dođite kod nas jednom.
Dont make yourself scarce. Nemojte tako retko da se pojavljujete.
When may I expect you? Kad mogu da vas očekujem?
Will five o'clock suit you? Da li će vam biti zgodno u pet časova?
I am so happy to see you again. Veoma sam srećan što vas ponovo vidim.
I am somewhat early, I hope I am not disturbing. Dolazim nešto ranije, nadam se da vam neću smetati.
I must apologize, I am rather late. Moram da se izvinim, ja sam prilično zakasnio.