U školi |
What do you teach at secondary schools? | Šta se uči u gimnazijama? |
Where did you go to school? | Gde ste vi učili školu? |
I was at secondary school at Mostar. | Ja sam učio gimnaziju u Mostaru |
U kom ste razredu? | In which form are you? |
I'm in the third. | Ja sam u trećem. |
I was very regular in my attendance at school, but my brother often played truant. | Ja sam redovno pohađao predavanja, ali moj brat je često bežao iz škole. |
I am to take an exam in Literature tomorrow. | Sutra ću da polažem ispit iz književnosti. |
In five days we shall be in for our final (state) exams! | Za pet dana ćemo polagati završne (državne) ispite. |
It's taking you so long to answer. | Vama je potrebno mnogo vremena da date odgovor. |
You are not answering the question. | Vi ne odgovarate na pitanje. |
Your answer is wrong. | Vaš odgovor nije dobar. |
Don't answer at random, think first. | Ne odgovarajte nasumice, prvo promislite. |
You have a ready tongue to any question, I see. | Vidim da ste spremni da odgovorite na svako pitnanje. |
Your answers were short of (being) satisfactury. | Vaši odgovori nisu bili zadovoljavajući. |
I'm satisfied with your answer | Zadovoljan sam vašim odgovorom. |
Well, now, let's tackle the next question. | Hajde sad da pređemo na sledeće pitanje. |
Your have given a full answer to the question . | Dali ste pun odgovor na pitnanje. |
I'm on the edge of knowing. | To mi je na vrhu jezika. |
I had it at my finger ends. | Imao sam to sve u prstima. |
I had it on the tip of my tongue, but... | Imao sam to na vrhu jezika, ali... |
I knew nothing, positively nothing. | Nisam znao ništa, stvarno ništa. |
I have passed the exams. | Položio sam ispite. |
Did he examine you long? | Je li vas dugo ispitivao? |
The examination was soon over. | Ispit je brzo bio gotov. |
I failed in English (at the English exam). | Pao sam iz Engleskog. |
I got a "two" for my homework. | Dobio sam dvojku iz domaćeg zadatka. |
He is at the top of the class. | On je najbolji u razredu. |